
EMA Lab. is managed by H. Matsumoto.



The followings are topics reserching in process.

Boost motor driver with electric double layer capacitor


Apr. 2008 〜

 Electric double layer capacitor (EDLC) have considerable capacity of energy storage and can output the energy in low output-impedance. However, its considerably low rated-voltage prevents itself from practical use. The proposed motor driver has the topology that EDLCs are connected with the DC link in series. The topology enables the driver to boost its output voltage. On the other hand, this topology is suitable tor EDLC because it requires low rated-voltage.
Moreover, by using EDLCs, the driver can store regenerative energy at braking of motor. In contrast, conventional drivers dissipate regenerative energy, which considerably decreases the efficiency. Consequently, the proposed driver can drive a motor efficiently.
We shall improve the driver so that it becomes more compact and efficient.

Three-phase contactless power transfer system

Nov. 2010 〜